The heart of Laspaúles/Laspúls is located in the western limit of the Valley, under the magic mountain par excellence of Turbón. This superb town is formed by popular houses built with the local reddish sandstone. Among them, it stands out Casa Gran with powerful porticoes dating back to 1587.
A few years ago, some documents from the 16th and the 17th centuries were fortuitously found in the church bell tower. In them, the ancient population daily life is thoroughly described. One of the most remarkable found data is the chapter that mentions the execution of 32 women on charges of witchery in 1593.
All these documents as well as the interesting ancient relics such as goblets, Hispanic-Muslim pottery and a choir book dating back to the 11th century can be contemplated in the small museum located inside the church.
The nearby town of Villarrué/Billargüé deserves a visit to admire its 12th century church, while in Neril/Nerill the characteristic reddish sandstone buildings emerge again offering a wide panoramic view that runs from Sierra de Chía to Bohí Mountains. Driving through the forest track towards Ardanué/Ardoné, visitors can search the holly that was known as the Chinastra Florida. According to tradition believes, this holly was blossoming in winter as well as in summer after the Virgin hanged up the nappies of Baby Jesus over him.
In Ardanué/Ardoné, there is another example of Lombard architecture that is worth visiting, the small 12th century church devoted to San Esteban. Also, visitors can have a look to Casa Perish, an enormous house dating back to the 15th century, or just let the peaceful feeling drag on by contemplating the far away villages such as Fonchanina.
Laspaúles municipality covers several villages: Abella, Alins, Aradnué, Denuy, Espés, Espés Alto, Llagunas, Neril, Suils, Villaplana and Villarrué.