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Passion, flavour and authenticity are the words that best describe Benasque Valley gastronomy. A type of cuisine deeply bound to the Pyrenean land and culture in which the meat, the fruits and the traditional production are the main culinary characters. A land that has been drawing upon mountain resources for centuries and that has succeeded in innovating and being at the modern gastronomy forefront.


The most characteristic dish of the mountain gastronomy is the ‘recau’, a traditional flavourful pottage prepared with vegetables. Also noteworthy are bush meat stews, different vegetables creamy soups and other dishes cooked with fresh ingredients from the valley patches. All of those traditional recipes can be tasted in the local restaurants. A travel to past flavours through an innovative view; because Benasque Valley also puts faith in the nouvelle cuisine. The chefs play in earnest with local products, innovate adding exotic ingredients to give rise to amazing brewing. This past-present fusion guarantees a culinary experience intended to enjoy with every sense.

Regarding local products, veal meat plays the leading role in Benasque Valley. A tender and tasty meat that comes directly from the cows fed in high mountain pastures. This type of extensive breeding has been used since ancient times and ensures the exceptional quality of the meat. Lamb breeding is also very popular. This kind of meat, known in Aragón as ‘ternasco’, is one of the tastiest ones. Equally, hunting meat is also prominent: wild boas, rabbit, deer, quail, partridge or roe deer are also some of the meats that can be tasted in local restaurants cooked in several ways such as grilled, roasted, stewed or as cold cuts.

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